Would I Lie To You?

I would like to compare and contrast the psychiatric model and the psycho therapeutic. The first is grounded in the bio-mechanical model and has the legal facility to use drugs as an adjunct to therapy. The second is formulated on processes of mind and the ability to gain access to thought process through talk, toContinue reading “Would I Lie To You?”

Happiness versus “Winningness”

  The concept of neoliberal capitalism is a competitive race for exploitative control of resources; “greed is good”. This ”western” model predicated on an imperialist zeitgeist is popularized through the top down command and control models of social engineering. Socially, it is a hair’s breadth from the panopticon proposed by Jeremy Bentham in the 18thContinue reading “Happiness versus “Winningness””

Personal development:  Myth, Society and its context.

“Typical of our time in history, rather than facing the fact that we truly are in a bad way emotionally, the facts of our despair, frustration and anger are spun and in place of analysis of its real cause come endless treatises on how to have positive psychology and be happy.” (James, O p xvii)Continue reading “Personal development:  Myth, Society and its context.”

Small town Scitso…

  I have a friend called J. J is intelligent, well read, an anarchist and agnostic. He smokes and drinks copiously, likes music and plays guitar. I have known John for five years and lived with him for two. He has been given various drugs, been hospitalized repeatedly and released repeatedly. J is physically passiveContinue reading “Small town Scitso…”